Post Op Instructions
We bring more than 20 years of experience in treating our patients
Post-Operative Instructions for Adenoidectomy
- Diet as tolerated.
- Quiet activity. No jumping or strenuous activity such as gym for 7-10 days until cleared.
- Encourage fluids and adequate intake of foods.
- Coughing, hacking, and clearing of the throat are to be avoided.
- No excessive nose blowing; gentle only.
- A low-grade fever, up to 100.5, may persist for a couple of days after the surgery.
- If bleeding should occur, call the office.
- Take Tylenol as needed for pain.
- Take antibiotic until gone.
Post-Operative Instructions for Balloon Sinuplasty
- Take the pain medications after surgery as needed for pain. After the procedure, 800mg ibuprofen every 6 hours for the first day is recommended.
- You can expect to have a mild headache, intermittent bleeding, and pressure in your nose after the procedure. This should resolve 24-48 hours after the procedure.
- Your diet should be as tolerated. You may have a normal diet after the procedure.
- Please try to rest and avoid excessive activity the day of the procedure.
- No strenuous activity for 48 hours after the procedure; then exercise as tolerated.
- It is safe to fly after surgery.
- You may return to work the day after the procedure.
- Some bleeding is expected for a day or two after surgery. Change the mustache dressing as needed. If there is active bleeding that does not stop with pressure after 15 minutes, you need to notify your physician. If there is excessive bleeding, call our office right away.
- Mucus drainage is normal. Wait until the next day to blow your nose.
- You may have difficulty breathing through your nose or experience some congestion. This is a side effect of the swelling in your nose from the procedure. This should improve as the swelling goes down. Congestion for one week after surgery is normal.
- Some patients benefit with having a humidifier by the bed as the nasal blockage may cause your mouth to feel dry at night.
- You may use Afrin spray as needed for nasal bleeding.
- If you have difficulty breathing, high fever above 102 degrees, persistent bleeding or any other urgent concerns, please notify our office or go to the nearest emergency room.
Post-Operative Instructions for DSML
- Complete voice rest for 3-4 days following the surgery.
- Only minimal use of the voice for 7-10 days or until seen by the doctor.
- Refrain from drinking hot liquids, alcoholic beverages, and from smoking cigarettes, pipes, and cigars.
- Keep on a soft diet. This excludes nuts, seeds and roughage of any kind. Also avoid highly seasoned foods.
- Continue with all medications ordered or at least until you are seen in a week.
Post-Operative Instructions for Lesion Excision
- Normal activity, unless very physical.
- Regular diet, unless lesion removed from inside of mouth.
- If lesion removed from inside of mouth, try to follow a soft diet. Avoid wearing dentures. Avoid salty, hot, spicy foods or citrus foods. Avoid beverages.
- Apply small amount of triple antibiotic ointment to the incision once daily.
- Apply ice compresses for 24-48 hours.
- If incision was around eye area, this area may become black and blue.
- Change dressing if it becomes bloody.
- If there is an odor, discharge, or persistent redness, please call the office.
- Keep area dry for 24 hours.
Post-Operative Instructions for Myringotomy & Insertion of Ventilation Ear Tubes
- Ventilating tubes have been inserted in the ears. These have been inserted to ventilate middle ear space. This is the natural situation. The ears should be filled with air rather than fluid.
- Because these tubes are a grade of plastic, they act as a foreign body and may be rejected and thus fall out of the ears. If this occurs, fluid may reform. It may be necessary to have new tubes reinserted.
- After the first post-operative visit, the tubes are usually checked every 3-6 months to be sure that they are in place.
- A small amount of ear drainage may be noted and may possibly be blood-tinged. This is normal for a couple of days after surgery. If drainage becomes excessive, resembles pus, or develops a foul odor, please notify the office.
- Do not blow your nose violently, nor attempt to suppress a sneeze.
- Do not hold your nose closed and attempt to blow air through the eustachian tube into the ear. (i.e. Do not try to pop the ears.)
- All soap and water should be kept out of the ear until the doctor says it is okay for water to enter the ear. NO SWIMMING! Cotton may be placed in the opening of the ear canal and then covered with Vaseline when taking a shower or washing your hair. Alternatively, you may have ear molds made if you so desire. Please inquire about this if you are interested.
Post-Operative Instructions for Nasal Bleeding
- Maintain head elevation.
- Do not blow nose.
- Use ice compresses (NOT an ice bag) as needed for facial swelling.
- If nasal packing has been placed, do not attempt to remove it yourself.
- Use saline nasal spray (ex. Ocean, Ayr, etc.) 2-3 sprays each nostril every hour.
- Use bacitracin ointment on Q-tip just inside nostrils to keep moist.
- Sneeze with your mouth open.
- Continue the medications given upon discharge as directed.
- You should not drive for twenty-four (24) hours after surgery or while you are taking the prescribed pain medication.
Post-Operative Instructions for Nasal/Sinus Surgery
- You have undergone surgery and should therefore allow 10-14 days to rest. You should avoid any heavy lifting or bending over.
- Maintain head elevation.
- Do not blow your nose.
- Use ice compresses (NOT an ice bag) as needed for facial swelling.
- If nasal packing has been placed, do not attempt to remove it yourself.
- Use bacitracin ointment on Q-tip just inside nostrils to keep moist.
- Sneeze with your mouth open.
- Continue the medications given upon discharge as directed.
- You should not drive for twenty-four (24) hours after surgery or while you are taking the prescribed pain medications.
Post-Operative Instructions for Thyroid
- 1-3 days minimal activity, then activity as tolerated. No heavy lifting for 3-4 weeks.
- Regular diet.
- Apply small amount of triple antibiotic ointment to incision once daily.
- Apply ice compresses intermittently for24-48 hours.
- If there is any odor or discharge, please call the office.
- Continue with all medications ordered at least until you are seen.
- Remain off work 10 days to 2 weeks.
Post-Operative Instructions for Tonsillectomy
- Quiet activity for the first 10 days. Heavy lifting, straining or physical exertion should be avoided.
- The patient should have the prescriptions filled for use beginning the day of the operation.
- The mouth may be rinsed with peroxide and water (1/2 and 1/2 mixture) if desired to clean the mouth, but this is usually not necessary.
- Avoid citrus fruit juices (orange, lemon, etc.), hot, and seasoned foods.
- Day 1 and 2 drink abundant water, popsicles, broth, Jell-O, Gatorade, tea, and/or sherbet.
- Day 3-7 soft foods may be added gradually: mashed potatoes, soft cereals, soft boiled and poached eggs, rice, noodles, pudding, soups, gravy, and applesauce.
- Coughing, hacking, and clearing of the throat are to be avoided.
- Encourage fluids and adequate intake of foods.
- A sore throat is to be expected. An ice collar or cold compress to the neck is soothing and may be used if so desired.
- Ear pain is a common occurrence lasting up to 10 days.
- A low-grade fever, up to 100.5, may persist for a couple of days after surgery.
- If bleeding should occur, please call the office.
Post-Operative Instructions for Tracheostomy
- 1-3 days minimal activity, then activity as tolerated. No heavy lifting for 3-4 weeks.
- Liquid or very soft diet until you are seen for your post-op appointment.
- If there is any odor or discharge, please call the office.
- Continue with all medications ordered at least until you are seen for your post-op appointment.
- Remain off work until cleared by the doctor to return.