Hearing Loss
Preventing hearing loss is always a priority at Excel ENT
The most common form of hearing loss is sensorineural, which is characterized by changes or damage to the nerves in the cochlea that in turn interfere with signals to the brain. Damage to the nerves may be caused by:
- Age
- Exposure to persistent loud noise
- Some illnesses
- Some medications
- Hereditary conditions

Recognizing hearing loss
- Using the telephone has become difficult.
- You need to turn up the volume on the TV or radio.
- You find it hard to follow conversations in noisy environments.
- You find it hard to follow a conversation when people talk at the same time.
- You frequently need people to repeat themselves.
- You struggle to identify where a sound is coming from.
- You often feel people are mumbling.
- You find women’s and children’s voices difficult to understand.
Treating hearing loss
Our doctors understand hearing loss impacts everyone differently. Diagnosis of your hearing loss, including cause and severity, is crucial to determining the best treatment option for you. Treatment options range from therapy to hearing aids to surgery.
Your complete audiological evaluation includes diagnostic testing to determine your level and cause of hearing loss and treatment for your condition, including full and complete hearing aid services as well as direction and counseling.